Exposure Of Art Heightened By Franklin School

By Paula Hess

Those who live in Washington, DC must have seen the Franklin School at least once during their lives. Constructed in 1869, the building that has since been considered a landmark has gone unused for quite some time. However, it appears as though there is to be new life breathed into this building but what exactly will come of this, one has to wonder? Those who learned from schools specializing in art may be the most intrigued to see what is in the future of the Franklin Building.

According to Washington City Paper, the Franklin School is set to become an art museum following a proposal that was made. The city announced that the school would be utilized in order to house a number of creations, amongst them, "contemporary art, sculpture, installations, and performances." It's also been said that a restaurant and cafe would be included, which lends credence to the idea that this could become more of a social environment than typical museums. This alone should make this renovation worthy of note.

It also deserves to be noted how the Franklin School will be given a new sense of life after a long period of inactivity. It's important to keep in mind that the building was used for other purposes in the past, one of the examples being a homeless shelter. Unfortunately, this did not last, as the shelter in question closed during 2008. After the building ceased this endeavor, it fell into a period of inactivity, which means that it became nothing but a prominent landmark.

What about the idea of employment that can be helped because of this museum? According to Victor Hoskins, the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, this could, "create new jobs and provide educational and mentoring programs." On one hand, those who are interested in art should have no problem coming in and teaching others about one exhibit after another. On the other hand, seeing as how it was rumored that the museum would also house a bookstore, those with retail experience shouldn't count this idea out, either.

It's clear that just about every area of the world has, at least, a few buildings that are not occupied. Perhaps it is a matter of a previous business closing down but I am of the opinion that there are still a few structures that can still be utilized for other purposes. This is the case for the Franklin Building and I am glad to see that the state of Washington has, once again, recognized its worth. The idea of a new museum opening up is an interesting one, both for tourists and art enthusiasts alike.

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