Learn How To Create A Custom Wedding Album Design

By David Torkee Lieu

- Initial steps to start your custom wedding album design

Before you go on and start designing the album itself, find out what you're going to put in it first. Make a stack of photos that you like, and put the rest somewhere else(or in a different stack if you still wish to use some of them). Deciding on what you're going to use before you start makes it easier for you later, because you know exactly what you chose to use. When choosing your pictures, it's also important to consider the quality of your pictures. You'll want to assess their qualities and base them on where you put them. You don't want to place low quality images around pictures of high quality photos because this will make your inferior pictures seem less important. If you must use low quality photos, you can create a lower resolution photograph and use it as a thumbnail that compliments another picture. This is a good way to keep the picture's important and keeping it seen.

-Utilizing the pictures you've picked

Once your finished deciding on the photographs you're going to use, you'll want to organize the pictures and arrange them in chronological order. Wedding albums should be able to flow and be able to tell the story of how you and your partner met, even if you're not there explaining it. You want anyone who looks through it to be able to read the story of your love. Next, you want to decide if you want to use a main color. For example, if your wedding pictures have white roses in a majority of the backgrounds, you might want to emphasize that and use white pattern designs or cutouts. Based on this, you'll also want to choose how your pages are layed out. Will you use columns? Arrange the pages in photo size? Again, whatever looks good to you.

-Finishing it up

When your done deciding upon all the major and minor details of your wedding album design, its time to start placing in your photographs. Use various sizes to either compliment or highlight certain photos. Having a particularly enjoyable moment enlarged, and having relatable pictures nearby help to highlight the main picture while giving the small pictures attention accordingly. You may also choose to place your pictures in whatever way or orientation you please. It's always good to get creative and place a few pictures sideways or slanted. It all adds to the final wedding album design. Below is a sample layout. Notice the black and white images used in order to draw attention to the photos with color.

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