How To Make A Quilt

By Jocelyn Davidson

People have been quilting objects longer than history can establish. Quilts came to America from Europe, where it was considered an art form more than a practicality. Early quilters made padding for armor and rugs, historians say. It wasn't until much later that the bed coverings most people think of when they hear the word 'quilt' were made. Children and adults love to learn how to make a quilt.

The basic concept is not difficult to understand. A quilt is usually made of three layers: a top, a middle layer that adds weight and warmth, and a bottom layer. The layers are held together around the edges with binding but also need to be secured at points throughout the whole to keep the inner layer from shifting around, causing lumpiness and thin spots.

Early quilts were, of course made by hand and were more art than the practical coverings they became as living became easier. The time it took to create a quilt - all three layers needed to be pieced together, since hand looms did not make wide fabrics - kept most women from making them. African American slaves often crafted quilts for their masters.

The late 1800s saw a rise in this handicraft, which is practical and can be among the most beautiful of domestic arts. Women became proud of their skill, and social gatherings called quilting bees brought many together to work on communal projects. Many patterns became traditional, as mothers taught daughters the skill.

A pieced quilt is made of many small patches of fabric. The small pieces are joined together in strips or blocks, which are then combined in any design the workers choose. A whole-cloth spread is made from large sections of fabric joined together; usually in these quilts the only decoration comes from the stitching. This can be quite intricate. Some of the most beautiful work is white-on-white, with no color but beautiful designs that catch the light.

Today many people still make quilts by hand, although most have been seduced by the speed of machine quilting. People who work with a needle and thread enjoy the process and refuse to be hurried. The resulting masterpiece can become a family heirloom. Few people can tell the difference between handwork and machine stitching, anyway.

If a thick, warm covering is desired, stitching the layers together may be almost impossible. Tying is the method used for heavier quilts. Strong, heavy thread, yarn, or string is pulled through all three layers at regular points and knotted. This keeps the layers together and keeps the inner one from shifting; the effect can be very decorative. Buttons can be used instead of knots.

Anyone who wants to make a quilt can do it without instruction, but the best results are achieved by taking a class or working with an experienced quilter at first. There are thousands of sites online that give tips ranging from simple to esoteric. There are also instructional videos. Lots of people love this form of expression and are happy to share their knowledge.

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